- 01
- Dec
Ellebag’s Replica of Louis Vuitton BOULOGNE Handbag (M45832) in Monogram
Ellebag’s replica of the Louis Vuitton BOULOGNE Handbag (M45832) showcases their dedication to replicating the nuances of luxury handbags. This highly popular yellow BOULOGNE bag, measuring 29x16x9.5 cm, is a prime example of their craftsmanship.
The replication of the bag’s edge paint requires meticulous attention. Ellebag precisely matches the deep red, subtly applied edge paint without any overflow, a detail critical to the bag’s authenticity. The texture of the genuine leather is visible at the cut edges, which are smoothly finished, adding to the bag’s premium feel.
One of the unique features of Ellebag’s replica is the spring length in the hook buckle. In the luxury handbag market, Ellebag’s BOULOGNE replica stands out because its hook spring matches the length of the original. This detail, though not immediately visible, underscores Ellebag’s commitment to replicating every aspect of the original bag, contributing to a high rate of customer return.
Despite recent price increases in the original LV BOULOGNE bags, with the latest hike being around 8% at the end of September, Ellebag maintains its inventory at stable prices. The original BOULOGNE has become increasingly difficult to purchase in boutique stores due to limited stock, but Ellebag consistently offers this model without the wait and with quality matching the original.
Ellebag’s replica also shines in replicating the reinforced stitching details. This aspect is crucial for the bag’s durability and aesthetic, and Ellebag executes it flawlessly, demonstrating their prowess in creating replicas that are virtually indistinguishable from the original Louis Vuitton BOULOGNE Handbag.
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